Molly & Tank
DOB 10/18/21
Molly delivered 9 pups on 10/18/21, 4 males and 5 females!  SOLD OUT.
They start leaving Dec. 13th


These pups will make great family friends as well as upland & waterfowl, they will go anyway you want them to with proper training, A TRAINED DOG IS A HAPPY DOG! Molly & Tank love the water and they are both powerful swimmers, they have great noses to find the downed bird and will retrieve forever. They both love people and have the typical golden retriever personality.
Tank has a nice broad beautiful head, beautiful field coat that is deep dark red and is very muscular. He loves to please, very talented & intelligent, he has been very easy to train, loves the field and hunting. His pups are proving to be very trainable and will be great family dogs as well as hunters.
Order your NuVet Plus today for Healthier Puppies!


Updated 11/01/2021